Arbit Choudhury
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. . . and the minds behind it

"With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere....this blog began on 23rd August 2004".
This blog is a saga . . . The saga of an idea transforming into an event ! If you are visiting for the first time, it would be advisable to start from the first post... you will have to go to the archives for that.
Monday, August 23, 2004
The beginning . . . . . .
I can see that the outside is lighting up dimly and the first rays of the sun will soon break out. While the dawn in the physical world is yet to break . . . . Mastishk has dawned upon the cyber-world just about 30 minutes ago as of 23rd August 2004, 0550 hours.

"MastishK" the online management fest on which we have been working since the past 6 months is finally seeing the 'light of the day'. For me personally the launch of Mastishk signifies a great feat in itself!
The event has a story of a kind behind it and lot more anecdotes are still being generated as we continue working on the project. A concept which started miniscule has grown into a full event. We have grown from a 5 member team to a large team of 30 plus. each one of us has something to narrate in respect to the event . . .
So I thought why not start up a team-blog for MastishK. So here it is . . .

...the minds behind MastishK


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